Thursday, 7 September 2017

Python Programming Language


·         Indentation

·         Multiple Statements on a Single Line

·         Comments in Python

·         Define Python Variables

·         Multiple assignments

·         Variables

o   Int

o   Float

o   Complex

o   String

o   List

o   Tuple

o   Dictionary

·         If Condition

o   If Condition Using if,elif,else

o   Using Nested if

·         Using following Logical Operator in Python

o   And Operator

o   Or Operator

o   Not Operator

o   In & Not in

o   Is & is not

o   All and Any

·         Operator

o   Using ‘and’  ‘or’ operator. Equivalent of && is ‘and’. & is used for bit wise operator.

o   Using not in with if

o   Using all and any

·         Loop

o   While Loop

§  Define condition with While Loop.

§  Define Infinite Loop with While Loop.

§  Define While Loop with break and continue statement.

§  Define Else in While Loop

§  Using if &  Else in While Loop

o   For Loop

§  For Loop using range

§  Using for Loop with list.

§  Nested for Loop – Define power of Number .

§  Using for Loop and else statement.

§  Using for with string and print each letter from string.

§  Using break and continue in for Loop statement.

·         Database

o   Install Python Connector

o   Select

o   Insert

o   Update

o   Delete

·         File Handling

o   Read From File

o   Write To File